Rainbow World

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Final Lab!!! ^_^

My final lab Image is here. I tried to make the design of it stand out more.

I am glad with the result. I feel happy that at this point I am able to use almost all

what I have learned from class to make my better and better quality map.

However, I just realized that the symbol sizes seem a little over proportional to the county base :(

Monday, November 10, 2008

Colorful China!

This is a map of China in colors!

It looks lovely to me~~~
But all the other countries being in kind of the dark green color is boring and not really clarified.

Since myself now have experience in comparing the digital version and the printed copy...I start wondering that if it is possible that the printed copy of this map looks more vivid, vibrant ~~~

Lab 9! ~The color version of my choropleth map~

I've also got one printed copy of this map. As I tried to compare and contrast the two versions, I honestly did not see much significant difference between the two; however, the printed copy does seem more vivid, I mean the colors are more saturated, vibrant or I would say they seem darker in comparison with the web version on the monitor. So, it's a little disappointing that the color for Alaska seems almost faded to white in the digital version shown above; however, the color in the printed one turns out to be quite nice...so light yellow...

Lab 8! ~~~Proportional Symbol~~~


I like this lab so much! Although the map is not requested to be in colors, I would like to do it anyway~

The result turns out to be really good. I like the colors I've chosen for this map.

Everything seems nice to me in this one~~~I love it! So cute! ^_^

Monday, November 3, 2008

An example of Graduated Symbol Map!!!

There are too many nice proportional symbol maps out there!!!
I chose this one simply because I love the transparency looking of the circles...They are nice!


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Lab 7 - My Choropleth Maps!!!

My two choropleth maps!
They are made from the same data however using different classification schemes.

The upper one is Natural Breaks. And the lower one is Equal Interval.
As shown, the visual effects of the two are quite different.

What falls into the same class in the Natural Breaks one; however, is separately shown in different classes in the Equal Interval one.